Saturday, January 29, 2011


The place :

The time:

What we did :

The end result:


Friday, January 28, 2011

Love Story Lyrics

The movie and song were from 1970 and as Andy Williams crooned.... "WHERE DO I BEGIN ?" ......

My God it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post and I've been bombarded with requests to "update"... you see there are actually people who don't subscribe to Facebook and read this crap to stay apprised of my Florida respites. Go figure - who knew ? Well I will try to be more diligent in my updates.... SORRY !!!!

1st and I guess foremost.. THE WEATHER !!! I really feel bad for the northeast folks back home and the relentless pounding of snow storms you've been getting.. NOT ! This is why people "snow-bird" to Florida in the winter.... to get away from this shit. All of a sudden, 4 prong walkers, electric scooters, portable oxygen backpacks and empty Depends boxes in the garbage don't seem so bad. Truly it hasn't been that warm here in central Florida but far more enjoyable than home. Daily averages are in the mid 60's and nights have gotten as cold as 35 in the last 2 weeks. All the grass in my community is brown and most of the foliage and fruit trees are either dead or dying. Brown lawns are the norm. Hopefully it will improve by March.

TONY NEWS .... Well my buddie Tony is home from the hospital convalescing but not doing as well as he hoped. I guess this blood clot he had in his leg was quite large and requires and awful long time to dissolve. Every time he stands and puts weight on it, the blood ( which can't flow well ) backs up and causes excruciating pain. The poor guy wants to be more active but has to lay down all the time to recoup from just minor activity. I took him back to the hospital a few times to have his coumedin levels checked and I guess there where they belong... it's just a waiting game.

TONY & KAREN NEWS ... because of Tony's hospitalization and week long special diet, Karen and Tony have joined Weight Watchers in Port Orange and been attending weekly meetings. I have been their personal WW chef and each meal is portioned and cooked to strict guidelines so that they stay within their daily "points". I am a lifetime Weight Watchers member so I understand the whole system. Well after last Tuesday's meeting Karen had already lost a total of 8.4 pounds and Tony, almost 10 lbs !!!!! They are both very serious about this and I will continue to help. Now let's hope they can also cut down and then QUIT SMOKING which is their second goal and my primary dream. Just a footnote..... I am NOT following Weight Watchers because as you all know, I look just MAHHVALUS....... thank you.

VISITORS NEWS ... "COMPANY".... yeah !!! We have some friends coming to visit next month and we can't wait! Tony's nephew Jimmy is coming all the way from Florence Arizona on Feb 3 for a week of drinking and partying with us. He is originally born and raised in New Bedford but left when he was 18 or so and is presently single and a corrections officer in AZ. Tony's brother Jimmy ( Jimbo) Alphonse ( and Jimmy's dad ) moved to Ocala ( 2 hrs away ) last year to retire with his wife Sandy and so while he's here Jimmy and Tony will take a day trip over to visit. I wish Jim was here during "Bike Week" ( March 4-13) but we'll still take him to see some of the bikeweekish sites... Cabbage Patch Bar ( cole slaw wrestling ) Iron Horse Saloon ( like TV's "Full Throttle Saloon"), Boot Hill Saloon in Daytona Beach and of course ... The ROCKIN' RANCH... Yeehaw.

Then just when we get the walls all cleaned and the house back to normal, my extremely good friend and facebook pal, John Collins is going to arrive. He'll be here from Feb 16- 22 and I can't wait. John hails originally from Springfield MA but moved to the New Bedford/Dartmouth area when he was a teenager and attended Stang with me, graduating in 1971. John hails from "B.D.B."..... Beautiful Downtown Burbank, CA. John, with his incredible internet prowess has successfully reunited most of the "class of '71" and organized a number of "meet-ups" throughout the past year. He was instrumental in gathering over 60 classmates for a "Clamboil in the Woods" this past summer, a feat that Stang has NEVER been able to do in almost 40 years. Now John has organized a "Winter meet-up" in Orlando for all the "Spartans" who permanently live in the south. We are going to have a night of mortal sin at "Howl at the Moon" in Orlando then John has planned other festivities like a golf day, trips to Disney and a gambling junket to Tampa and the Hard Rock casino. I think the head count is up to 12... I'm not quite sure what the body count will be, but I'll keep you posted !!! Can't wait to see ya, John !


Spent yesterday on my roof with a leaf blower cleaning a years worth of pine needles and tree junk from the roof and gutters. While up there my neighbor Carol came over and offered me the use of her pickup truck to take them to the dump, which was great since it would've been 20 car trips. I offered to do her roof as well so by days end I was "roofed out" ha ha. The dogs are doing great and have totally settled in to "southern living".. they go everywhere together, sleep, eat and play together and get in trouble together. Dogs life is good.

Well it's Friday which means a morning trip to the local farmers mkt, gen'l housecleaning by the "crew" and tonight... maybe a visit to the "Rockin' Ranch" to watch the locals all "Power Line Dance" Updates will follow.......

Ta Da ........................

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A "MOST" eventful week

Hi Y'all,

Sorry the blog has been a little quiet for a few days but there has been a LOT going on. We have settled into the semi-retired life here in Daytona... Karen, Tony, "Babe" ,"Sedona" and I. I get up every morning around 7, make the coffee, get the paper from the driveway and go online. Tony gets up around 8, makes his cup of coffee and grabs the paper that I've already read and goes out on the "lanai porch" ( where smoking is allowed) and reads his paper,has a cig and enjoys a cup of my awesome DD fresh brew. Karen gets up ( with the doggies ) around 10 and I make a low fat breakfast for the crew. We then decide what we're "NOT" going to do each day !!!!

Wednesday of this past week, Tony started complaining of a charlie horse in his right calf and I noticed he was coughing and hacking much more than normal. Well we went out partying Friday night and after a number of beers, Tony would not get up to dance and those of you who know "big daddy" know that he's a "dancin' machine. Well by Saturday morning the pain was so intense in his leg that he could barely get out of bed, so I told him.. "jump in the shower and get ready... we're going to the emergency room. " He agreed which told me he was hurting.

We took him to Halifax Medical Center in Daytona and after a couple of tests and an ultra-sound they discovered a huge blood clot in his thigh !!! He was admitted and given a shot of blood Heparin ( blood thinner ) a stint for IV was put on the back of his hand and he is on a regimen of Cumadin and other blood thinning drugs. His spirits are good, but he will remain there until at least Wednesday so the Drs. can track the progress ( or movement ) of this clot. This was a very close call and hopefully all will be fine, but thank God we were here with him and there is such an incredible health facility just 4 miles away.

He is at the Halifax Medical Center on Clyde Morris Blvd, Daytona Fl (Rm 1606 ) and his email is I'm sure he'd love a hello from all of you. The great news is that he is on a low-sodium, 2000 cal/day diet and can't smoke while there,. YEAH !!!!

Things are a bit quiet in the "Camara Kitchen" for a while but stay tuned and we'll get back on the culinary tract real soon. Speaking of culinary, Best wishes to Henry Bousquet who announced this week his candidacy for Ward 3 councillor in New Bedford. GOOD LUCK - HENRY !!

Til next time......

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

SNOWSTORM hits the EastCoast !!!!! NOT

Okay..., Okay, so it's NOT 28" like Conneticut got or 10" like New York or even 6" like my hometown ( New Bedford, MA ) got... but it is freakin' cold here. I mean I've got the heat on and we have to wear a jacket when we go out. What the hell ever happened to "global warming" ????? Am I missing something here ? People ( like me ) come to Florida in the winter to get away from this crap. Jeeeesh.

Yesterday I "smoked" a big ol' brisket in my smoker and after 6 hours in the Mesquite.. heaven. What a great supper we had with a nice fresh salad and hot mustard greens. I really can get used to this. Karen and Tony are the idealic house guests. They love EVERYTHING I make !!! Very rewarding.
Well, I've got to head out to do some food shopping at Publix and get the propane tank refilled for the heater we've been using in the "lanai room". Til next time........

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, Monday....

Well we got through the first weekend and we're all settled in the house. Tony, Karen, Sedona, Babe and I all seem to fit quite well. The 2 dogs escaped thier leash on Saturday and a neighbor brough them home. Damn escapees !!!! Well its Monday and Tony and I are going to do some "yard work" ... ie: there are literally tons of pine needles everywhere. Raking and sweeping are in order big time and I'll be up on the roof sweeping off pine needles and cleaning all the gutter. Frank's Powerwashing will be here this week to clean the outside.

I started my daily classified ad in the Daytona News-Journal. Every year I go under the name of Hollyhill Wheelworks and "Kim Camara -- Professional Spokes Person". I offer to do motorcycle wheelwork, which I've been doing for over 30 years in the bike shop and since this is the home of "bike week" and there are 1000's of motorcycles down here... I do pretty well fixing them. Let's hope its a fruitful season.

Over the weekend I did 3 racks of baby back ribs in the new smoker and those of you who know my ribs and penchant for BBQ... I need say no more. Tony had to be forklifted to the couch !!!!

Well it's off to the world of semi-retirement and now that the camera has arrived, I'll start posting lots of pictures. I hear a trip to the "doggie pool" is in the works,... Cya soon.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Karen & Tony ---- MCO

Well it's friday and I've got the house all whipped into shape... reefer is full of food... car washed and yard is spiffed up. Karen and Tony fly into Orlando (MCO) airport at 4:50pm today. The dogs and I have missed them !!! I'll drive over around 3:30 and pick them up and then we will stop at Daytona Pig Stand in Ormond Beach for some kickASS BBQ. It's kinda become a tradition every year.

Speaking of BBQ... I took the plunge !!!! Whilst at Sam's Club on Wednesday I bought a Masterbuilt Digital Smoker. This baby is 30" high with a glass door, 4 stainless steel shelves and an external woodchip feeder, all controlled by a digital control panel with a remote control. The ultimate in slow roast BBQ !!!! I already did a Boston Butt roast and it brought tears to my eyes !!!

Karen has the digital camera so there aren't any pictures yet but my next post will have all the latest visual news thats fit to print. Although I have awoken every morning with 2 dogs laying next to me.. ( and who hasn't !!) I miss my wife... Awwwwwww. It'll be good to have Karen and my bud, Tony here tonight !!!

Well time to get ready and make the 70 mile trip west...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 ... The NEW season begins

"Lucy....I'm Home" .....ahh that familiar chant from Ricky Ricardo as he burst through the door and made his grand entrance. Well this ain't the 60's and we ain't in Hollywood. This is HOLLY HILL and I'M HOME !!!!!

I made the 1244 mile drive in 22 hours this year and the trip was uneventful, even traffic through the first 7 northern states cooperated. Of course I left at 5am so CT,NY,NJ,WASH,& BALT were all "cakewalks". I drove 16 straight hours on day 1 ( Monday Jan 3) all the way to Florence SC... got a room at the Motel 6, had pork chops at Cracker Barrel and turned in for the night by 10. Back in the road at 6am got me into Daytona around 2 pm on Tuesday.

I'm travelling alone this year and my wife Karen and best friend Tony are flying into Orlando on Friday at 5pm where I will pick them up. Tony is planning on staying with us for the duration so I made the drive with both our dog "Sedona" and his 95lb American Bulldog "Babe". To say the least, the drive was quite an experience but we are "all" here and settled in.

9 months away has found the house needing a few plumbing repairs but after a $20 trip to Lowes, I've got all the faucets and toilet(s) to stop leaking. The extreme cold that's been here so far this winter has taken it's toll on all the fruit trees in my yard. Oh well, time to regroup and plant some new ones.

Well we're here til mid-march so let the fun begin. I've got 2 days of intense unpacking and de-summerizing the house before wifey arrives so I've gotta get going. Follow along all winter and enjoy our fun along with us. I'll try to make my posts both appetizing and fun.. and you know I can do both. Until next time... Woot Woot .. double fist pump. "Holly... I'm home" !!!!