Well we got through the first weekend and we're all settled in the house. Tony, Karen, Sedona, Babe and I all seem to fit quite well. The 2 dogs escaped thier leash on Saturday and a neighbor brough them home. Damn escapees !!!! Well its Monday and Tony and I are going to do some "yard work" ... ie: there are literally tons of pine needles everywhere. Raking and sweeping are in order big time and I'll be up on the roof sweeping off pine needles and cleaning all the gutter. Frank's Powerwashing will be here this week to clean the outside.
I started my daily classified ad in the Daytona News-Journal. Every year I go under the name of Hollyhill Wheelworks and "Kim Camara -- Professional Spokes Person". I offer to do motorcycle wheelwork, which I've been doing for over 30 years in the bike shop and since this is the home of "bike week" and there are 1000's of motorcycles down here... I do pretty well fixing them. Let's hope its a fruitful season.
I started my daily classified ad in the Daytona News-Journal. Every year I go under the name of Hollyhill Wheelworks and "Kim Camara -- Professional Spokes Person". I offer to do motorcycle wheelwork, which I've been doing for over 30 years in the bike shop and since this is the home of "bike week" and there are 1000's of motorcycles down here... I do pretty well fixing them. Let's hope its a fruitful season.
Over the weekend I did 3 racks of baby back ribs in the new smoker and those of you who know my ribs and penchant for BBQ... I need say no more. Tony had to be forklifted to the couch !!!!
Well it's off to the world of semi-retirement and now that the camera has arrived, I'll start posting lots of pictures. I hear a trip to the "doggie pool" is in the works,... Cya soon.
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