Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The MEAN chair ....

Where do I begin ??? Let's go back to Sunday afternoon--- (pre Superbowl). I had made and appointment to have a tattoo done by one of the most reputable artists in the Daytona area. There is a studio in Ormond Beach called "Tropical Tattoo" which has been operation since 1975 and has the same 6 artists on staff. I went there and met with "Boscoe".. a really neat guy who reigns from Jacksonville and has been tattooing since he was 15. I had a special request which he though was hilarious. A chair !!! What ... a chair, you say ??? Why a chair ???

The "mean" chair that hurt me

One year ago, Jan 8, 2009 to be exact.. I was here in Daytona and in the midst of a very severe asthma attack.. we're talking 911 style. I knew that if I called the EMT's, it would take them 20 mins to find my house and get me to the hospital which is 3 miles away. So wheezing and gasping I headed towards my car to take myself. This exact chair was in my driveway and blocking the way to my car door.... instead of kicking out of the way, I tried to fold it up... well it stuck and I lifted it up over my head and forced the hell out of it....... Next thing.. POP !! Massive rotator cuff tear !!!! Long story short. I got to the hospital.. got the asthma taken care of. Suffered in agony til June of last year.. got the rotator cuff repaired ( huge surgical procedure ).. TORE it AGAIN in August... got it fixed AGAIN on Dec 8th and am now in Daytona taking it easy, resting and doing self P.T. to regain "some" of the use of this right arm again.
Well this tattoo is to serve as a permanent reminder that one stupid move can haunt you for the rest of your life. Learn people....... Uggghhhhh
Willie's Tropical Tattoo
Lots of samples to pick from
Boscoe starts the pain

Almost done
The finished job... "THE OBJECT OF MY AFFLICTION"

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